I provide holistic therapies such as Reiki and Thai foot massage.
I am an experienced Reiki practitioner/ Teacher/ Master with over 25 years of experience. I provide Holistic healing and Teach attunements for Reiki Therapy.
If you wish to learn the art of Reiki for self-healing and grounding towards becoming a Reiki practitioner, look no further. Here is a link to my Reiki Level 1 course
Reiki is a sophisticated healing technique that complements the body’s natural healing process.
How is reiki therapy provided? The therapist places hands on the head, shoulders, arms, hips, knees, legs, and feet, then just above the body.
As the session begins, a warm sensation in and around the body is experienced. This is a relaxing sensation that brings a sense of calm and peace, promoting well-being. Many people tend to fall asleep or talk during treatments; either is okay.
A Reiki treatment lasts 20 -50 minutes, depending on the client’s need.
The first session is one of intake of health. I usually send the form via email and discuss any additional needs in the session. The form entails taking a history of ailments and issues that require healing. Information of medical history and disclosure to agree to the treatment and that you understand the treatment is not a replacement for medical intervention or suggested as a cure.
Head and shoulders treatment usually lasts 15-20 minutes, priced at £25
A complete body treatment is 50 minutes and priced at £40
Delivery of Treatments,
The whole body, with the recipient lying down.
Head and shoulders with the recipient sitting or lying down.
Please wear comfortable attire; I provide blankets and pillows to create a relaxed atmosphere for healing.
Reiki is recognised by the medical profession, including GPs, Consultants, physicians, and Palliative care providers. They all recognise Reiki’s healing and calming qualities. Reiki is known for its value in the complementary treatment of Parkinson’s disease and cancer, which is reported to aid in achieving more restful sleep, settling anxiety, and promoting general well-being.
Reiki can promote healing alongside other treatments; however, if you are unsure, I recommend speaking to your consultant or doctor before treatment.
Home visits are available on request for palliative care.
Payment is required 24 hours before the session or in session before treatment begins.
Reiki brings peace and tranquillity to life’s most challenging times and is a complimentary care provision.
Additionally, I teach Reiki meditation techniques and provide courses to individuals and groups for stress reduction and self-healing
Here is a simple guide on how to meditate-( see below); for meditations, follow my podcast: