Managing Depression
Winter for many is a hibernating time, January brings new resolutions, or a time of wanting to hide away and snuggle into the comfort of the home, it is easy for depression to hide itself in those circumstances, if you find yourself with any of the following symptoms that could be an indication to seek help.
Feeling tired all the time
Loss of energy
Sadness that stays longer than normal
Low self confidence/compassion
no longer gaining enjoyment from the things that used to bring you joy.
Anxiety more frequent
Avoiding people or friends
Feeling helpless/ Hopeless
Sleeping difficulties
loss of appetite or over eating unhealthy foods
Loss of sex drive
Physical aches and pains
Thoughts of suicide or death
Self harm
Experiencing any of the above symptoms for longer than is normal for you could be an indication to seek medical advice
Experiencing more than 3/4 symptoms over a longer time is usually a sign to seek medical advice in the form of a doctor or a therapist, and could be an indicator of depression.
Seeking advice and help from a doctor or therapist is a healthy option.
Contact Sandra Williams : Text 07928299517